Tuesday, March 31, 2009

VMware SVMotion plug-in

This SVMotion tool is a VI plug-in that allows you to perform Storage VMotion from a GUI instead of how it is normaly done via the command line. Use this link to download it and to learn more about this awesome tool.


Monday, March 30, 2009

How to enable ssh on ESXi

SSH is available on ESXi . Enabling SSH on ESXi differs from how to enable it for ESX. You must run some commands in order to get it enabled . Note: SSH is disabled by default on ESXi server as it is on ESX.

For ESXi
1. At the console of the ESXi host, press ALT-F1 to access the console window
2. Type unsupported in the console and then press Enter. Note: You will not see the text you that you are typing that is OK go ahead and proceed.
3. You will now see the Tech Support Mode warning and a password prompt. Enter the password for the root login
4. You will now see the prompt of ~ #
5. Edit the file inetd.conf Type in the command vi /etc/inetd.conf
6. Find the line in the file that begins with #ssh and remove the # Then save the file and close the the vi editor
I am assuming you know how to use vi if not then refer to the links below for more details.
7. Run the command /sbin/services.sh restart to restart the management services.

You'll now be able to connect to the ESXi host with a SSH client such as WinSCP3 or ssh client, Putty, etc.

The article that I used as a reference:
If you need help with vi commands: http://www.cs.rit.edu/~cslab/vi.html#A1.15

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why I started this blog?

This blog is dedicated to providing information of my experiences with VMware, Windows, Exchange Server, Citrix and some of my personal interests.

I was inspired to start this blog by one of my clients. We had just upgraded our ESX servers from 3.5 update 1 to update 3. We discovered that when upgrading the VM Tools on the VM’s the upgrade does not hold your settings from the prior install. Since we run ovrer 50 XenAPP Server VM’s on ESX 3.5 hosts we had actually created a problem by upgrading our VMTools. The value hgfs is added to the VM when you enable VMware shared folders, choose the complete install or when you re-install the VMware Tools. This creates a problem with Roaming Profiles when the WTS/XenAPP VM’s are running as VM's on ESX hosts. Since we have over 50 servers my customer asked me to write something to fix this. Therefore, I wrote a quick batch file and a registry file change to address the issue. We implemented a copy of the 2 files on a test server and then executed the process with User Manager Pro. Since we reboot the XenAPP servers nightly we covered all the bases and we were able to fix the issue quickly and before it got worse.

Although I had been told earlier by many of my colleagues and friends to do some writing, share some of my experiences and knowledge I never did it. I thought that maybe others could benefit from this information in the future so this time I did something about it! So I started this blog. I will continue to post information as acurately as I can and I will continue to try to improve on my posts, my writing and my information. I hope some of my posts help you in the future. Keep checking in!


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cannot locate Linux VM when running VCB backups

VCB framework error: Cannot locate Linux VM via IP Address or via FQDN name when using VCB

Use the VC Display Name only of the Linux VM’s. The IP address or FQDN does not seem to work

Use IP address or FQDN or the VC Display Name for Windows VM’s

Windows Guest Cannot Update hgfs.dat

Roaming Profiles issues with Windows Terminal Server/Citrix XenApp Server as a VM on VMware ESX Servers. See VMware knowledege base related article http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1317

The value hgfs gets installed when you enable VMware shared folders or when you re-install the VMware Tools.
ProviderOrder= hgfs,CdmService,RDPNP,LanmanWorkstation,WebClient

I created a batch file and a registry file to change the changes.
The new value will be as follows:
ProviderOrder= CdmService,RDPNP,LanmanWorkstation,WebClient

OK so here is the batch file and the registry file to remedy this issue
Call the batch file something like hgfsremove.bat
regedit /s M:\hgfsremove.reg
The /s switch is optional. The /s switch means it will make the registry change silently without notification. This is not necessary in this case but I thought I would add it in anyway.

You can call the registry file something like hgfsremove.reg

As you can see above the hgfs value gets delete from the ProviderOrder key. The registry file I provided will remove the hgfs from the key.

How to distribute these files to your WTS/XenAPP servers and how to run them? Well.. their is is many choices how to do this so I leave that up to you as long as it runs on each of your servers you will be in good shape. We copied the files and ran the process to all of the servers by using User Manager Pro http://www.liebsoft.com/User_Manager_Pro/. We rebooted the servers to cover the bases.

That's it problem fixed- enjoy!